a Memory

Celebrate the life of someone you love on the side of a very special lifeboat

Launch a Memory is an opportunity to add a name to the letters and numbers on a Shannon class lifeboat, to remember a loved one or celebrate someone still with us.

We’ve developed a range of mementos, so that you can keep your loved one’s memory next to you.
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Launch a Memory: Eric's Legend

Relief lifeboat Eric’s Legend 13-40 was named by Jean Cass in memory of her late husband Eric Cass.

Without relief lifeboat like Eric's Legend, we couldn't save lives at sea 24/7. When a station's lifeboat needs routine maintenance or repair, relief lifeboats step in to save lives at sea.
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Keep up to date with your Launch a Memory lifeboat

We hope that your Launch a Memory journey helps you feel close to the person you miss, while also reminding you that their memory lives on, 24/7 ready to answer calls for help.

You can always keep track of the boat's progress, discover more about the Shannon class and find out exactly where it will be saving lives on your Supporter Updates Page.
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